Actualizado 18/10/2017 10:11

Selena, sus 5 vestimentas más míticas

Selena Quintanilla

   CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 17 Oct. (Notimérica) -

   El 17 de octubre de 1989, Selena Quintanilla-Pérez, también conocida como la "reina del Tex-Mex lanzó su primer álbum como intérprete solista con la discográfica EMI Latin. Este marte, Google ha querido recordar la fecha para homenajear a la también llamada "Madonna mexicana", considerada una de las cantantes latinas más influyentes en Estados Unidos e Iberoamérica y todo un icono de la moda.

   'Notimérica' ha querido recordar cuáles fueron 5 de las vestimentas más míticas de la querida Selena.


What was the first Selena song you memorized word for word?

Una publicación compartida de Selena Quintanilla (@queenquintanilla) el


Photos 1 & 2 are Selena's real, natural hair. Photos 3 & 4 are human hair extensions used to enhance her ponytail. She either used tracks to wrap around her real hair, or a clip on ponytail. As you can see in photos 1 &2 her hair texture is thin & close to straight/wavy. Suddenly in 3 & 4 it's thick- definitely different texture. It's not a bad thing that she used hair pieces! It was rarely done, but like I said she mostly did this with up-do styles so her hair could appear fuller. This post is for the people who kept commenting that she never used hair extensions/weave, & what I posted was a lie. There are also photos of her with her real hair in a high ponytail, and you can tell the difference. She was the queen of switching her look up, and she did it well. Everyone isn't perfect! There is nothing wrong with her getting a couple tracks in, relax. #selenaquintanilla #selena #queenquintanilla

Una publicación compartida de Selena Quintanilla (@queenquintanilla) el


Rare with Rock n Roll James?? Have you seen this photo?

Una publicación compartida de Selena Quintanilla (@queenquintanilla) el


If Selena told you to pick one outfit to keep, which would you choose. Only 1???

Una publicación compartida de Selena Quintanilla (@queenquintanilla) el