LINKPING, Sweden, Aug. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- International medical imaging IT and cybersecurity company Sectra (STO: SECT B) is initiating a new business unit to drive innovation and product development within the area of genomics. In the future, Sectra's enterprise diagnostic IT platform will be extended to efficiently handle genomics informationa further step in Sectra's drive towards integrated diagnostics. This multidisciplinary approach is particularly important in cancer care.
"Genetic information is becoming increasingly important in diagnostics and precision medicine, especially within cancer care. Investing in genomics fits perfectly with our long-term ambition to be the leader in diagnostics information technology and has the potential to significantly impact patient care," says Torbjrn Kronander, President and CEO of Sectra.
Analysis of genetic information, genomics, is used in healthcare today to better understand and diagnose patients and to predict how an individual patient may react to different treatments. Individualized care based on genetic information is often referred to as precision medicine and is a rapidly growing field.
To leverage the possibilities of precision medicine and to cope with a dramatic increase in the volume of patient data, tomorrow's IT solutions for diagnostics need to provide healthcare providers with information across multiple specialties, including genomics, along with support for integrated diagnostic workflows.
Sectra and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, based in Philadelphia, have initiated a collaboration to facilitate the development of an effective IT solution.
The new business unit is part of Sectra's operating area Business Innovation and is led by Fredrik Lysholm, Ph.D. in Bioinformatics.
The IT solution for genomic information will be part of Sectra's enterprise imaging solution, which provides a unified strategy for all imaging needs while lowering operational costs. The scalable and modular solution, with a VNA at its core, allows healthcare providers to grow from ology to ology and from enterprise to enterprise. Visit Sectra's website to read more about Sectra and why it's top-ranked in "Best in KLAS".
About SectraSectra contributes to a healthier and safer society by assisting health systems throughout the world to enhance the efficiency of care, and authorities and defense forces in Europe to protect society's most sensitive information. The company, founded in 1978, is headquartered in Linkping, Sweden, with direct sales in 19 countries, and distribution partners worldwide. Sales in the 2021/2022 fiscal year totaled SEK 1,949 million. The Sectra share is quoted on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange. For more information, visit Sectra's website.
For further information, please contact:Dr. Torbjrn Kronander, President and CEO, Sectra AB, +46 (0) 705 23 52 27
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